A bag of apples created for you!

Whether you wish to carry grocery, lunch or personal belongings, this fabric bag is a must. Customize it with the help of a simple apple and some fabric paint.

What you’ll need
One apple
Fabric paint (your choice of colour)
Plain cotton bag
Large flat cardboard plate
Paper sheet
One cardboard (ex.: side of cereal box)
Small paintbrush
Paper towels

1- Slice an apple in half and pat dry the flesh side using a paper towel.
2- Slide the cardboard inside the bag to prevent paint from seeping through the fabric.
3- Pour a small amount of paint in the plate and dip the fleshy side of apple to coat with paint. (Tip: Spread evenly using a small paintbrush if needed.)
4- Stamp the half-apple on a paper sheet to remove excess paint.
5- Pour a little more paint in the plate, dip in the apple once again and now stamp it on the bag, pressing gently for 15 seconds. Remove very carefully.
6- Repeat until you have reached the desired number of apple prints.
7- Let dry on a flat surface for 4 hours. Wash inside out after 72 hours according to the manufacturer’s instructions.